The Perfect Jar for Your Stash in the Fridge

Here's what I use to keep my sourdough starter stash in the fridge. The reason I like this jar in particular is that I can leave the lid loose while all the critters in the jar are feasting on their meal of flour and water -- but it's attached so I don't misplace it.

Then, when everybody has finished dining, cooled down and has settled down for a nice long nap, I can seal it up tightly so that even if it gets knocked over, it won't spill. More important, really, is that nobody will throw out my starter! For a very short time, I kept my starter stash in the fridge in one of those 'disposable' leftover containers, until one day it got thrown away by a well-meaning but misguided member of the Fridge Police. I'll NEVER do that again!

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$ 20.99

These glass jars are much better than a porcelain crock, because you can see what's going on inside the jar. You can tell when you need to give your critters a meal.  Plus, the jars look good, and I like that too. The good news is that this is a high quality glass jar and I can sell it for only $20.99 with free shipping in the USA!

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